Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Death of Osama Bin Laden

The news of Osama Bin Laden’s death leaves me cold. I had front-row seats as a spectator to 9/11 – I was living in DC, and walked past the Pentagon to get to a co-worker’s house that afternoon, and from my office window, I saw the smoke rising from the fire for the better part of a week, but I had no one to worry about, and was not in danger myself. For me, 9/11 is less of a personal tragedy than a turning point. As much as I grasp the tragedy of 9/11 for those who lost loved ones, my emotional reaction is more about what became of my country in the aftermath of 9/11.

In the months after 9/11, there was a lot of talk about “If [X happens] then the terrorists have won.” Huh.

If X = “the nation’s ‘terror alert’ never goes below ‘elevated’ for a decade and we generally let fear run our domestic and foreign policy; we undermine the civil liberties of American citizens and the human rights of non-citizens to the extent that we detain people for years without trial, and have a real debate about under what circumstances torture is okey-dokey; we lose the lives of more soldiers avenging 9/11 than were lost on 9/11; we treat good people with brown skin and headscarves with generalized suspicion and worse; we invade a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 on the pretext that the guy in charge did have something to do with it; we cripple our economy by fighting two wars so that we can’t even consider doing the right thing for the poor and middle class and elderly and the environment and the schools; we allow other dictators and bad guys around the world to pretty much do what they want because we’re overstretched militarily… and we enact all sorts of policies and experience so many cultural shifts that I can’t even perceive or enumerate them all…”

Then, OBL already won, even if he is fish food 10 years after the attacks.


  1. And you forgot: If the people who vehemently condemned another people for celebrating death also wildly celebrate death, dancing and singing in the streets, then... Yeah. We've responded to a man who we believe ordered killing by killing him, and we're chanting and cheering after saying how gosh-darn dreadful Those People were for chanting and cheering when our countrymen died. The whole thing makes me incredibly uncomfortable.

  2. Me, too, Annie. Grim satisfaction? Okay, I guess. Jubilant dancing in the streets? No, I don't condone.
